Steffan Jones

Steffan Jones brings deep experience in the housing sector to his role as Chief Innovation and Partnerships Officer with Bespoke Social Profit Solutions. Based in Ottawa, Steff retired from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) in 2023 after 25 years of service. 

Steff’s expertise in organizational strategy, innovation and transformation is of great benefit to Bespoke’s social profit clients. Passionate and ambitious, he has a unique ability to uncover connections through a wide range of partners between clients’ needs and the resources available to help meet them.

His passion for solving housing challenges compelled Steff to join Bespoke’s founder, Jolene Livingston, in creating a social profit organization, the Partners for Affordable Housing Foundation (“When the window of opportunity opens, jump through it,” Steffan says). The Foundation seeks to connect private, public and philanthropic funding with community housing providers more effectively, to provide additional affordable housing choices for everyone in Canada. 

In addition to his work at Bespoke and the Foundation, Steff has advisory roles with several organizations in the housing sector, including Peakhill Capital, Sparrow Living, Horizon Legacy Solutions, and Key Living. When not spending time with his family or on the golf course, he loves pounding out head-banging tunes on the drums.